Coach/Manager Clinics, Training and Certifications

Required Coach/Manager Clinics, Training and Certifications

Mandatory Clinics:

  1. The Fundamentals (AKA skills) Clinic prepares coaches to deliver instruction on the fundamentals of baseball.
  2. The Safety Clinic teaches coaches how to safely conduct team practices and games, and how to deal with common medical issues.

Clinic Requirements:

Clinics must be D-33 sponsored and approved.

  • You must sign-in on the attendance log AT THE CLINIC
  • New coaches must attend the Fundamentals Clinic AND Safety Clinic.
  • At least one coach or manager per team must attend the Fundamentals Clinic AND Safety Clinic in the current year. It need not be the same person attending both.
  • To participate in TOC/district tournaments, all coaches and managers are required to have attended the Fundamentals Clinic AND Safety Clinic within the past three years. Example: In 2024, you must have attended a Fundamentals Clinic and Safety Clinic in 2024, 2023, or 2022. Prior clinic attendance can be verified on the website.

Diamond Leader Certification (One-Time)

All Regular & Post Season Managers and Coaches are required to complete the Little League Diamond Leader Training Program prior to any contact with the players participating in any practices or games.

Little League Diamond Leader Program

Log in or Register for a Little League account if you have not previously created an account (forgotten password can be used to retrieve completed certificates). Print the certificate or save as a file and provide it to the team manager.

State and Federally Required Certifications

These must be completed before any engagement with the players. This includes All Managers, Coaches, Umpires and Board Members. If you fall into one of these categories, you are required to produce the mandatory certificate for each protocol. Please save and carry each of the certification certificates for all managers/coaches in your team binder. Administrators and Sports Officials should carry a hardcopy or an electronic copy with them to all game sites.

Concussion Awareness Certification (One-Time)

Concussion Awareness Certification

Print the certificate or save as a file and provide it to the team manager. A concussion and head injury information sheet must be signed by both the athlete and a parent/guardian before the athlete initiates practice or competition. An existing form from the 2020 spring may be used if it’s available. The signed sheet must be carried with the player’s medical release and code of conduct form.

Child Abuse Awareness Certification (Every Year)

Child Abuse Awareness Certification

Log in or Register for USA Baseball site if you have not previously created an account (forgotten password can be used to retrieve completed certificates). Select "Education" > “Courses” > “Abuse Awareness for Adults”. If you completed the course last year, select RESTART COURSE. Take the course and complete the quiz. Print the certificate or save as a file and provide it to the team manager. 

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Certification (One-Time)

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Certification

Print the certificate or save as a file and provide it to the team manager.