Tournament of Champions (TOC)


Congratulations to the winners of the AGLL Majors TOC




 Congratulations to the winners of the AGLL Minors TOC


 District 33 TOC

The D33 TOCs feature a series of pool play games followed by a single elimination playoff (no consolation bracket) to determine the D33 champions.


See the D33 Major TOC Bracket:

D33 Major Bracket

See the D33 Minor TOC Bracket:

 D33 Minor Bracket


TOC Rules and Expectations

The AGLL TOC rules that apply for both the Major and Minor divisions are the same that apply to District TOC.

District 33 TOC Rules

We expect a lot from our players, coaches/managers, and parents during tournament time, so it's good to prepare yourself for what's to come.

Here's a rundown of what you can expect:

Team Duties

Team duties are shared by both teams. This applies to

  • Field prep
  • Scorekeeping
  • Announcing
  • Snack bar and grilling
  • Clean up and emptying trash cans


  • Continuous batting order applies
  • Minimum defensive play is 6 outs
  • No requirement for infield or outfield play, players are fielded to be as competitive as possible


  • Have all equipment out and ready for inspection before every game
  • Make sure you understand the Little League Rule Book (aka, "Green Book"), our local league rules, and the District 33 TOC rules
  • All player substitutions need to be communicated to the umpire in chief, then to the scorekeeper
  • 5 run limit per inning (exception is for Home Run over the fence; all runs beyond 5 are scored), 6th inning is unlimited or once through the line up
  • 10 run rule applies (after 4 innings for Minors, after 5 innings for Majors)
  • Ensure that all players receive their minimum play


  • No coaching from the stands. Please let the coaches coach!
  • No communication with the dugout during the game. Caution tape will be placed around the back side of the dugouts and back stop. Spectators should not stand or sit where the tape is located, with the exception of the front row of our bleachers which is OK. This may seem overkill but these games can be extremely competitive and we want to avoid even the appearance of cheating
  • Respect the decisions of the umpires, even if you do not agree with the call